Instructions to buy DLS 23 account at the shop

Payment via PayPal (International)

- Step 1: Visit the page and select the "ACC dream league" account you want to purchase.
- Step 2: Transfer the account price via PayPal to the shop's account here:
- Step 3: Complete the payment on the PayPal page and take a screenshot of the successful payment. Send the screenshot to our Facebook Messenger at
- Step 4: After successful payment, the shop will send the login credentials for the "ACC dream league" account and provide instructions to link it to your Google or Apple account.

Payment via USDT - International

- Step 1: Visit the page and select the "ACC dream league" account you want to purchase.
- Step 2: Check the account price in USD.
- Step 3: Contact us on Facebook Messenger at Our staff will provide you with the payment address for the cryptocurrency network of your choice (BEP20, EOS, ERC20, TRC20).
- Step 4: Transfer the correct amount of USDT to the provided wallet address on the corresponding network (BEP20, EOS, ERC20, TRC20), depending on your preference.
- Step 5: Send a picture of the successful payment receipt and relevant information via the Shop's Facebook to confirm.
- Step 6: Once the shop confirms the successful payment transfer, the shop's staff will send the login credentials for the "ACC dream league" account and provide instructions to link it to your Google or Apple account. Please note that you can choose the cryptocurrency network (BEP20, EOS, ERC20, TRC20) that suits you best for the payment, and the shop will provide you with the appropriate wallet address accordingly.

Payment via VNĐ

Transfer money to admin's Vietcombank account number
The account number is provided when you message via fanpage
Note: The account price on the website does not include the 30% bank transfer fee
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